Friday, March 3, 2017

Hate Celebrities? Then Why'd You Vote for Trump?

It's a given that the dittoheads, errr natives of FoxNation, errr, residents of TrumpNation... hate celebrities (except, of course, Ronald Reagan, Sonny Bono, Charlton Heston, Fred Thompson...). The reason's obvious: many outspoken celebrities have views to the left of Attila the Hun. I don't know why, but I've always assumed it was because they worked like dogs in restaurants and bars while trying to get their careers off the ground -- in other words, they used tough, long-hour blue-collar jobs to finance their dreams. That's apparently beyond the pale for people who just use blue-collar jobs to afford a new JetSki or Harley. But we digress...

Today's "Let It Out" section in the Indianapolis Star contains an attempted dig at Hollywood celebrities from one such person. It's anonymous, as are all submissions to the reader column. This idiot (we'll explain why s/he's an idiot in a minute) found the faux pas at the 2017 Academy Awards ceremony to be expected...
"The brilliant 'stars' who tell us how to run our country and the world can't even run their own awards show."
In case you've been in a coma since February 26th, the presenters called the "Best Picture" award wrong, and someone had to come up on stage to set the record straight. The "let it out" correspondent crowed it was the fault of Hollywood...

...but, idiot that he or she is, was wrong. Yes, wrong: two partners at the accounting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers were in charge of the award, and one of them was seen tweeting from backstage (see above right) not long before they handed Warren Beatty the wrong envelope. The twit is Brian Cullinan, whose LinkedIn profile says he has a MA in Financial Accounting. The other partner is Martha Ruiz, who says on LinkedIn that she holds degrees in business and taxation.

So no, anonymous Trumpster, the mistake wasn't made by Hollywood -- it may well have been made by a high-powered business type with his nose stuck in his Twitter account. Funny, that reminds me of someone...
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