Saturday, July 21, 2018

Another Trump voter heard from

The following is copied in its entirety from the Indianapolis Star "Letters to the editor" section today (20 July 2018).
Russian meddling in elections? How is that even possible?

All the folks who are saying that Russians interfered with our election I ask, how? They do not vote in our elections. Does Russia rule that many people in the United States? Wise up and use your own brain. President Barack Obama nearly destroyed this country.

Also, any immigrant could enter this country illegally, and those who chose to enter illegally should leave.

Bob Glaspie

Whoa, I'm left wondering whether to pity this man for his lack of knowledge or pity our country because people who are this ill-informed are allowed to vote.
Whatever the case, wouldn't be great if someone took Mr. Gaspie aside and explained to him what happened to this country in the months leading up to the 2016 election? Really, Bob: no one with any authority has ever claimed that Russian interference in the 2016 election included casting votes. No one with any authority has ever even said that the Russians changed a single vote that had been cast.

The only person who's ever claimed large numbers of illicit votes is, of course, the Prez himself. He has long claimed that the only reason Secretary Clinton got more popular votes than him was because "3 million illegals voted." Anyone who believes that is another Glaspie, I guess.

No, Bob, the Russians were a lot more subtle than that: they spread disinformation on social media in an effort to influence people with weak cognitive skills, and also hacked the Clinton campaign and DNC looking for damaging information, which they then released at times when it could be most damaging. For instance:
  • As the Democratic National Convention was poised to nominate Secretary Clinton, the hackers dropped stolen emails detailing  party leaders' preference for Clinton over Senator Sanders, thereby enraging his supporters – a substantial number of whom did not vote for Clinton in the general election.
  • Within hours after the release of the Trump Access Hollywood tape that could have dominated the news cycle, a huge trove of stolen emails was released. 
  • The first cyberattack attack on the Clinton campaign took place within 24 hours of then-candidate Trump's call, "Russia, if you're listening..."
Mr. Glaspie, perhaps you need wider exposure to the world of news. Or perhaps, just use your brain: it appears to be in need of some exercise.
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